Booking your visit

Visits line: 0300 0606502

Email the Bookings Centre

Prison Switchboard: 01902 703000

Centre Facilities


  • Free parking plus disabled bays
  • Step free access
  • Disabled toilet
  • Prayer area
  • Pre-loved clothes rail
  • Lockers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Tea bar serving sandwiches, toasties, snacks, hot and cold drinks. 

For Children

  • Dedicated area for creative play
  • Trained Children’s Worker leading structured activities
  • Wide selection of toys
  • Outside play area
  • Baby changing facilities with free nappies and wipes
  • High chairs and booster seats

For Teenagers

  • Designated area
  • Games console

Find out more about the support available at the Visitors’ Centre

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book?

Yes. Visits must be booked beforehand and names of visitors must be on the official list. 

To book a visit, telephone the Visits Line on: 0300 0606502 or email the booking centre:

How many people can visit?

Up to 3 visitors, including children may visit at any one time. One adult must be 18+.

What times can I visit?

Whilst the visiting hall is open 14:00 – 16:00 five days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday, the Visitors Centre is open from 12:00pm and is an ideal place for you to relax and access support before your visit.

Visit HMP Featherstone website for up to date information

Do I need to bring identification?

Yes. ID must be presented for each visitor, including children.

A full list of acceptable documents for identification can be seen here

What can I take to a visit?

Personal belonging can be stored in lockers at the Visitors Centre whilst visits take place in the main visits hall. 

No hats or coats can be worn in the Visits Hall. You may take up to a total of £50 in bank notes and change per visits table.

Baby food: only empty plastic bottle can be taken to the visits hall. Baby food is available to purchase.

How do I get to the Centre?

Visit our ‘Getting Here‘ page for information about public transport, Taxis and parking arrangements. .

What other services are available?

We can offer advice and support on many of the difficulties faced by families of those in prison. Visit our ‘Support Services‘ page to find out more. 

Click on the Prison Advice & Care Trust link at the top of this page to see more visiting information.